My little blossom is old enough to hold a brush. I let her. Mostly she likes to dip the brush in the water and drag the wet brush across the paper.
Dip again.
Suck on the brush.
Dip again.
Brush, back in her mouth.
Dip again.
Paint her fingers or her arm.
Dip the brush, then climb off the chair and paint the wall, the couch or the cat.
"To limit a brush and water to just a piece of paper, why that is just crazy! " I imagine what her little mind must be thinking. The parent side of me must intervene and reign in her little adventurous spirit.
Photo by Krissy McArthur
I'm starting to sneak back into the outside world where people make plans and sometimes stay out past 9 o'clock. I am painting a little more everyday. My art is changing. At least the direction I would like to take is headed in a new direction. A little more adventurous like the toddler in my life. I'm working on that. A bit at a time. Some exciting things in the future. But it's the distant future as I squeeze in moments of painting around caring for my little family.
Instead of cursing the little time I get to paint, I've come to a place where I'm thankful for anytime I can have. It has taken me a long time to get here, this "thankful" state. Some days are better than others. But I've found with practice I can choose to be thankful or just give into the selfish, whiny, cranky toddler within. And guess what, this girl has to grow up because there just can't be to toddlers in the house.
Here's to thankful moments of painting using a combination or water and Daisy drool.