Occasionally I do a little web surfing to see what the other artists out in the world are up to and I just love to share their work. I mean, sure I do what I do, but it just tickles me pink to see what others create. So, this is Andrea Joseph you can get to her blog here. And she does these amazing ball point pin sketches. BALL POINT PEN!!!! I don't live to draw, drawing is just a means for me to get to the watercolor. But her art and fun perspective really encourages me to work on my drawing. I just ordered my first "Zine" from her Etsy shop and can't wait to get it.
Then there's Geninne's Art Blog. I love her spirit, her calender collages, her birds and how she seems to make every day a special moment. There seems to be nothing mundane about this artist. Because of her I now own a bottle of white ink. I'm learning to be more adventurous and playful with my art. Sometimes it seems like every piece I paint is a "WORK OF ART" and not about playing, learning and trying new things. Thanks Geninne for reminding me to play and explore.