... no I'm not going to rap or write a poem today. This is just a little "shout out" to a creative whom I've seen grow - and shrink a great deal since meeting her in 2002. I wrote out this recipe because it's my favorite for blueberry muffins - it's yummy, it's easy and it's from scratch - the way cooking ought to be. As I was working on this I thought of Kathy D - she doesn't use recipes, she doesn't have to. She's one of those creative souls who cooks with her heart and her senses and loves the hunt for the freshest and best ingredients. Then, when she has created something that make her heart sing - she gets to eat it and her tongue and stomach applaud her newest creation. Yes, that happens on a daily basis. She feeds her tummy, her heart, her soul with her creativity. Sounds just perfect doesn't it. Well, it's not. Not by a long stretch. The hard part for Kathy D is that she has to support herself by working retail. And as you all know, retail is brutal. For me I think it's brutal because people in general can be quite rude and unthinking about their words and tone. I've worked a million different jobs and really wish people (including myself) could be more mindful of how they treat one another. It all matters. Really. Once several years ago, I was pretty down and out - no money, no direction, just FULL of desire. So, I went to McDonalds. (I realize for some, that could make things worse, but I like McDonalds and I could afford that little pick me up.) The lady at the counter who took my order for my double cheeseburger and chocolate shake told me she really liked my dress and it looked very pretty on me. I almost cried. I needed that more than the double cheeseburger. I'm not advocating tossing out random compliments. I'm just here to remind myself and you all to keep in mind that creative spirit you cross paths with everyday. Most days Kathy does well and is able to create in spite of her circumstances. Still it's not always easy and I think the miraculous part is creating, being and moving forward no matter what the world around you - including spouses, bosses, the public is yelling at you. So today - I raise my fork to Kathy D - she's creating no matter what because it's in her soul and I know she'll be just fine.