Relax and Enjoy the Ride

Well, my head is spinning with all the changes that have happened in the last two weeks. As most of you know, back in April I was laid off from my full time job. Since then I've been getting to know my new place of residence - St. Louis, being a crazy Aunt, painting lots, trying not to worry, and here and there looking for full time employment. On some level I was pushing and hoping to make a go at earning a living solely from my watercolor. Two weeks ago I was offered a position as a pharmaceutical rep and I accepted the offer - very happily I might add. So what does this mean for Amy the artist? Am I really an artist if I don't do it full time? Does this mean I'm a "failure" because I can't earn a living doing something I love? These questions dance in my head. But at this point in life I know myself and as much as I wish I weren't me sometimes, I am. I'm not good with being the "Ramen noodle eating struggling artist" type. And I don't paint well with the immense pressure of selling my work. Of course I will always paint. In fact, I look at my love of watercolors as my retirement plan - which means I'll always have something to do as long as I can see and hold a brush. For the next several months I will be using the other side of my brain for awhile. I'm looking forward to learning some new things, meeting new people and all the new influences these things will have on my life and that does include art too. I'll never stop painting - it just may not be everyday. And instead of stressing out about life not turning out how I planned or think I would like it, I'm going to relax - like the little embroidery I did last year says - and try to enjoy the ride. But don't worry I'm not disappearing, just adjusting my seat belt...