Growing Slowly

This spring has been a real spring with lots of rainy and cool days.  I'm pretty impatient most of the time, but I'm enjoying that the summer is creeping in slower and not hitting us hard like it did last year.  It seemed like summer hit us in March with 100 degree days that lasted until October. I'm enjoying slower now. I see how fast a year has gone with Daisy. How fast she has grown in one, just one little year! Every morning we walk around the yard to see what is sprouting, what is growing taller and what is blooming.  Meanwhile, my little Daisy has been growing right under my nose, just like my garden. 

And, I wonder, am I still growing? 

Be not afraid of growing slowly,
be afraid of standing still.
                            - Chinese Proverb

I can't believe we will be celebrating Daisy's first birthday in less than a month.  And while it's a huge milestone for the our new little family, it is one for me personally as well.  I'm just starting to get a handle on all the changes I've had this first year and feeling, well... like it's going to be okay.  Some things in my life may never be back to the Amy I was before baby, but I'm finding my way toward a new normal.  For the past year I haven't painted much. I was surprised as to how much thought and energy it took.  When Daisy would go to sleep in the evening I discovered I just didn't have the energy to start a painting at 7 at night.  My best, most creative time is first thing in the morning and Daisy gets my best, most creative time now - especially since for many months there she was waking before me.  I'm so glad an artist friend told me that once you have a baby you won't really be able to paint much for about two years.  But then that baby will become your reason to paint. 

I'm still here.  I'm still an artist.  I'm like rose in winter.  I might look dead and shriveled up with no leaves, let alone any roses, but once the winter is past I will bloom again.   

As the shepherds kept their watch

For more info about this original watercolor click here.

It's that time of year where I'm looking for Christmas cards about Christ's birth and just don't find what I want, so I painted one.  I think I might have to do this one again.  This is a small 10x4 inch painting.  I'll try it larger and post it too.

A Block of Time

I get little snippets of time when Daisy naps.  Pieces here and there and quite honestly I'm so tired that I just spend those precious moments zoning out on Facebook or Pinterest.  I do miss the large blocks of time I spent painting, playing, and creating.  And now with my new life I feel like I'm starting over as I learn to manage time and prioritize my new duties of the day.  I can't just make a quick trip to the store for something I forgot.  Even after carefully planning a week of meals I realized today I forgot to pick up the tortillas at the grocery for my chicken tortilla soup!  Stuff like this makes me crazy now.  And it's amazing what little dumb things will send me over the edge and in a pile of tears... like no tortillas. I'm reminded by lots of mom friends that it won't always be this way, I will have time to create again. 
 But for now I do my little creative bits here and there.
It's not all painting, but I still have been making things like these little blocks for my Daisy.  She loves to squeeze them and put them in her mouth.
Quote of the day -

Sometimes I have to remind myself
that I don't have to do
what everyone else 
is doing....
 - unknown, but probably a mom somewhere out there.    

Three Months

Three Months Old - three VERY long Months I might add.  Phew!
Oh please don't think my blog is going to become a baby blog all about Daisy and a kazillion pictures of her.  I promise you this is still a blog about creating and painting while still having a real life.  I thought it was hard being an artist with a full time job.  Well, now I have a great little boss, our Daisy, and the job is ten times harder.

Art?  When will that happen?  
My friend Carrie Waller reminded me it happens in smaller time increments.  Much smaller I might add.  So this is what I've been working on in VERY small increments a couple of evenings a week.

I have great intentions at 9:00 in the morning but by 3:00, they are gone when Daisy is crying non-stop and not napping.

Dishes and laundry be damned!   

My photographer,designer, decorator friend Krissy at MCK Designs told my little love story - friend love, boy love and baby love on her blog Melange. I couldn't help but shed a tear and of course there are more pictures of Daisy here.

And one of my favorite blogs My Messy, Thrilling Life is back - I just love her thoughts and writing.

And last but not least, just before I had Daisy I found this FABULOUS blog called Smart Creative Women.  Monica Lee, a watercolor artist/illustrator herself, interviews other creative women who generously share their experiences and insight on how they do life and work in this crazy and sometimes economically challenged world we live in. I often listen to this while I paint.  And sometimes I re-listen because there is some GREAT thoughts.  I just love hearing an artist's story.

You CAN be Inspired and Tired!!!!