My Morning

My favorite part of the day is morning... and I could "write" about it. But somehow telling you it through my quick watercolors is more fun and certainly more interesting. Isn't everything prettier when painted?

Morning Part 1 Morning Part 2 Morning Part 3 - AHHHHHHIn my opinion there are three very important elements to a good morning.
1. Great Coffee
2. Drinking from a beautiful mug or tea cup
3. A kitty cat who is always happy to see you in the morning (even if it is because she knows you're going to feed her)

Can't Beet This!

I've been trying to do more cooking and more eating of vegetables. I'm not as enthusiastic as I was, say a month ago. I thought by painting the beets I might enjoy them more. They were good - but it's just not the same as Cheetos. Where are the Cheeto flavored vegetables and will I ever really LOVE eating vegetables like I love painting them?

"Focused" for Illustration Friday

The topic this week for Illustration Friday is
Needless to say I have very little of it and I'm discovering through a course I'm taking on line that focus is one element necessary to achieve success. I would have to say focus is my weakest area. "So much going on, so many great ideas, so many things to do, things to paint, things to see, money to earn, clothes to iron" - you get the picture. So this is a visual of my life/my mind. And what it takes for me to get to the point - that tiny dot and paint. And really, all the other stuff really doesn't hold as much meaning as "this" thing called art. Yet all that other stuff can be quite a distraction - a deterrent from the thing in life that is most important.