But, is painting rest? People often say to me "Painting must be so relaxing!" Well, sometimes. But for me it can be anything but, especially if I have a commission and I'm concerned 100 times more about the outcome than if I were painting for myself. One thing I LOVE painting is flowers. A couple of weeks ago I asked all my friends to send me pictures of their bridal bouquets. I thought it would be a great idea to create an artistic memory of the bride's bouquet on her wedding day. So here is my first one. I hope to post more of these bouquet watercolors then create a new link on my website which bride's or friends of the bride can go to get information about having their own bouquet painted in watercolors. Of course, like all things in my life, this happens much slower now that I have a VERY full time job. So today, I rested a little, painted a little, rested some more and then finally posted on my blog. Let my know what you think.
The Art Spirit
Recently a friend lent me a book called "I Married Adventure" by Luci Swindoll. I rolled my eyes a little before I finally picked it up to do a skim over and then politely return it. I was afraid it was going to be a "how to" book on enjoying single life when the would be "married life" doesn't happen or fails... you know, "learning to be happy when you're profoundly disappointed." I wasn't really up for it. I'm learning to handle the disappointment a little better now. I'm use to it like I am the wrinkles around my eyes. Don't really like them, but there's really not much I can do about it. So to my shocking surprise - I've really enjoyed this book. This woman writes of her life and struggles and it's most encouraging. How much opportunity us single gals have. I never saw my life so adventurous as when I was able to read about another single woman's life. Look at all the experiences I have had both wanted and unwanted because of my "singleness." It's been really encouraging. And I recommend it to anyone not just the single folks. In the book she mentioned a book I've owned forever "The Art Spirit" by Robert Henri. And I pulled it from the stacks. So glad I did. With this new job, the painting is not a daily activity, but the desire for it is. I'm going to tuck this book in my bag, so when I'm waiting in some doc office in O'Fallon, I won't forget what my eyes were made to see and my hands made to do.
I also picked up another book, "The Prodical Son" by Henri Nouwen. Nouwen a priest is drawn to the Rembrandt painting of the same name. It's exciting to see what thoughts, emotions and prayers come from this amazing painting. If only I could paint something one day that allows new thoughts to trickle into the viewer's heart and speak to their soul. Art can change your life. So now all I can manage to do is read about art, I know that it will inspire as well. And as I always I hope to inspire you at any stage of the creative process you may be at. At some point picking up the brush is desired but until then, keep looking. Don't forget how to see.
I also picked up another book, "The Prodical Son" by Henri Nouwen. Nouwen a priest is drawn to the Rembrandt painting of the same name. It's exciting to see what thoughts, emotions and prayers come from this amazing painting. If only I could paint something one day that allows new thoughts to trickle into the viewer's heart and speak to their soul. Art can change your life. So now all I can manage to do is read about art, I know that it will inspire as well. And as I always I hope to inspire you at any stage of the creative process you may be at. At some point picking up the brush is desired but until then, keep looking. Don't forget how to see.
Love ...
Happy Valentine's Day. Granted it's a questionable holiday for many. But whether you have romantic love or not, shouldn't be the point. If you are living, functioning and on this earth chances are you love someone on some level and someone loves you. Celebrate. I wouldn't be surprised to hear in a couple of years that scientists "discover" that what really makes the sun rise and set and the earth spin is simply the love that is given and received day to day. It has to create some kind of energy --some power.
Also Valentine's Day is the pink and red holiday - I just love those colors.
(I recently discovered spray glitter and sprayed these hymn paintings with it once I was done. Soft shimmery sparkles. They made the ink of the hymn paper run a bit, but I like it.)
I bought myself green roses today - chartreuse green. So different and fun.
Do something pink for someone. Wear red lipstick. Chew pink bubble gun and blow bubbles. Tell a stranger he/she looks nice. make yourself a valentine. Smile while you are crying. Love starts out simply I think. Sometimes the hardest person to show love to is yourself. We are so critical and hard on ourselves (Actually that previous sentence should have started with "I") Love feels so complicated and mysterious at times. But for the most part I think it's simple. It's hard to act when you don't "feel" love. But the action is love whether the feeling is there or not. So today Love yourself, love another. Just try a day of ONLY LOVE.
Also Valentine's Day is the pink and red holiday - I just love those colors.
(I recently discovered spray glitter and sprayed these hymn paintings with it once I was done. Soft shimmery sparkles. They made the ink of the hymn paper run a bit, but I like it.)
I bought myself green roses today - chartreuse green. So different and fun.
Do something pink for someone. Wear red lipstick. Chew pink bubble gun and blow bubbles. Tell a stranger he/she looks nice. make yourself a valentine. Smile while you are crying. Love starts out simply I think. Sometimes the hardest person to show love to is yourself. We are so critical and hard on ourselves (Actually that previous sentence should have started with "I") Love feels so complicated and mysterious at times. But for the most part I think it's simple. It's hard to act when you don't "feel" love. But the action is love whether the feeling is there or not. So today Love yourself, love another. Just try a day of ONLY LOVE.
No matter your politics - this is a GREAT day. The inauguration of Barack Obama should scream to every American that we are a country of change and possibility. In 1991 and 1992 I was an English teacher in China. Even though I went there to "help" a handful of soon to be English teachers, I received alot of life lessons myself. What broke my heart was learning that so many of my students did not want to be teachers. The had NO CHOICE. Of course there were some that were happy about being a teachers, others who felt lucky, but the ones who wanted to be something else really struggled with their plight. Because I was an International Studies Major in College I understood what communism was, but it wasn't until my year in China I saw the effects of communism on individuals. I realized what a huge opportunity I had by just being a citizen of the United States. When I returned to the U.S. ( and I was anxious to do so) a year later I enrolled in a graduate program for screen and script writing. No, life may not be always what I dream. But I am sooooooo glad I live in a country where I am allowed to dream and allowed to pursue my dreams. GOD BLESS AMERICA! Click here to learn more about this painting.