Just watching, waiting but hoping????

I've run out of words today. Both in my ability to hear them and say them. Sometimes pictures will just have to do when words just can't seem to take care of pain or express joy or even ask the questions.
Several years ago I bought a fish for BabyKitty to entertain her. But mostly she was just enchanted by this little fish. She liked to watch it not sure what to think of it all. I gave this painting to a friend in Los Angeles last year for her birthday. For some reason, this was her favorite and I wanted her to have it. This woman has an amazing sense of style, a great sense of humor and has really gone through some hard life situations. I was just flattered that she liked it. Currently she's going through some health issues - which are really "life" issues. What next? What should she do? How? When? But forget about the "why" question because that will never be answered with any satisfaction. This picture kind of reaches in and like my cat and the fish, all we can do is watch to see what happens next. What else is there left to do?

Saturday Nights Online

It's Saturday night and I just got home from celebrating a friend's 40th birthday. I'm usually not a night time blogger. I'm more of a morning writer, but my mind is heavy with lots of thoughts and even worries. Lots of political and economical discussion tonight and I felt a bit guilty even eating out with the complete uncertainty of what's ahead for us here in the U.S.A. Are we stumbling or is this a fall? I purposefully have not watched much news or even the debates - yes, how very ostrich of me. All this just makes me worry and being of the artist mentality does not help during these uncertain times either. As one friend said to me when we were talking about the Meyers Briggs personality tests, "You're an off the charts 'feeler', Amy". Great...

So upon my return from the night's "festivities" I looked at my blog and noticed the jump in visitors and I realized that there are probably lots of people searching on the internet for understanding, answers, hope or maybe just plain distraction from all the buzz. Here we all are wanting some hope, some beauty, something other than the questions. So I offer you this... CREATIVITY... and that takes many, many forms - not just in art but in math, in economics, in psychology and I thank God above for the diversity of creativity. Just when I don't think I can paint any better or learn something new, I'm always surprised at what comes out. So yes, it looks rather bleak right now, but just know that there are many creative souls at work in this world for the good - how it works I don't know, but I believe it does. My part remains the same, I still paint because it's what I know to do. I would do it if no one ever saw a single one of my paintings or if I never sold one either. I paint, I remember, I hope...

This is my latest painting of the "feet" of the Eiffel Tower. I would love to be in Paris again - this would be the perfect time of year. But for now this is what I have and it will do.The "Feet" of the Eiffel Tower

Apples in Four Parts

So this is actually Four 4"x6" paintings. I wanted to paint something a little fun, a little different. You know, watercolors are not boring. I'm always trying to find new ways to make watercolor painting fun and different. I'll frame them and hang this "bowl of apples" on my wall in my kitchen I think. Then, I'll eat a crunchy apple dipped in peanut butter....

Happy Monday?!

Well, not sure if it's a happy Monday yet. It's too early to tell. But I think my newest geranium will at least help you move in that direction.

Last week I started working at this great floral shop in Clayton. I just love the atmosphere and being around flowers all day (pics to come). THANK GOD FOR FLOWERS!!!!!! This little job has been fun, but the best part about being having a little structure in my generally free spirit non-structured life is that it requires me to be more conscious of my time and getting things done. I really do get more done when I have more to do. Sounds strange.

Also I'm getting close to reaching my 100th Post here on GerAmyUm. I have no idea who reads this besides my mom and dad. But please check back in the next couple of weeks because I'm going to be giving away an original watercolor of a geranium of course!!!!